just kissed my 6-year old goodnight for the last time. He’s 7 tomorrow! Note to Universe: Please stop the world for a while, I need
more time to relish the moments (well, not
all of them – it is the school holidays after all, so I’d happily waver some of the more recently frustrating
moments for more uplifting times, but you know what I mean). My children are
growing up so quickly, I’m afraid to blink sometimes.
been a day of party-prep. Elliot ran into my room very excited early this
morning, jumped into my bed and greeted me (ie. woke me up) with “It’s my
birthday tomorrow! I love you SO much
Mum!” Wow, I thought, what a fabulous way to be woken up. Then he snuggled down
and continued: “You know that chocolate cake you’ve made? I’ve been thinking
about it and I’d really prefer a strawberry ice-cream cake.” Hmm, I thought,
he’s not quite 7 and already he’s engaging in the traditional male tactic of
buttering me up first to soften the impact, prior to delicately delivering his
self-fulfilling request. It rang a familiar tune – my husband tried the very
same technique on me recently before saying he’d like to upgrade his motorbike.
kind of Mum am I? A soft one apparently... the kind that actually considered
his request seriously enough to run through a few scenarios about how I could
source a strawberry ice-cream cake as the final curtain was closing prior to
his big day. After all, I suppose I could freeze the chocolate one I’d already
laboured over... it might be nice to have up my sleeve to use as a lunchbox filler
when school starts back. Fortunately for me, my head kicked my heart into touch
as I remembered all the other party
treats and games I had to make and plan that day, and I managed to convince him
during our under-duvet mutterings and cuddles that the chocolate cake would
have to do. I’d like to think he still loves me SO much, despite my subtle denial of his request. I can’t have him
growing up thinking a bit of loving and eye-lash fluttering is all it takes to
get what he wants – can I?!
has made me reflect on how one day in the life of a Mother can fluctuate with such wild ebbs and flows; how one moment can ignite such a delightful sensation of peace
and wellbeing, only to be followed shortly afterwards by utter despair and
hopelessness. Within an hour of our heavenly morning bonding session, I was
threatening to cancel his birthday party altogether because of his outrageous
and disagreeable behaviour. Something to do with not getting his fair share of
time on the “Wii,” or something of that nature; I lose track. And so the day
progressed... like a roller coaster of love on the up, despair on the down, and
anxiety around the bends, never knowing what’s coming next. It’s no wonder I
feel exhausted sometimes. To top it all off at the end of the day, now that
he’s gone to bed, I’m left feeling shades of guilt that I had to resort to
making threats that might jeopardise his party – but he made me do it - if I could
‘tell on him’, I would, but who would
I tell? I’m the only one in my house
that gets ‘told to.’ Meanwhile, I have absolutely no doubt that
he’s currently blissfully drifting off to sleep, knowing full well that his
party will go ahead as planned. Oh the euphoria of going to sleep with the
awareness there is someone in your life who loves you so unconditionally, you
can wake up every new day knowing you are cloaked with the same depth of love
you were smothered in the first day you were born. That’s the beauty of a
mother/child relationship – there is never a ‘hangover’ in the morning. Every
new day is fresh, with infinite love fully replenished and restored.
time 7 years ago, I’d been in hospital for 2 weeks, secretly fearing for my
life as I waited desperately for Elliot to be born. I begged the doctors to
deliver him early because I couldn’t bear the thought of an unexpected arrival
triggering my demise. Well, he was worth waiting for... and his gift to me on his real birth day was his safe arrival into this world, and his safe
delivery into my heart. For that, I can forgive the slight misdemeanours that
have occurred between then and now... because he gave me a gift on that day I
could never equal as long as I live.
Mum’s the Word:
should always be about reflection and joy. If there were no birthdays, there
would be no children. And if there were no children, they’d be a lot less in this world to
Gorgeous - every bit resonates. Would like to think a bit of loving and eyelash fluttering occasionally wins out - don't think I see enough of that - ah, maybe an age thing... xxx Mary G